RYLA presentation & Exchange student presentation from Leo

Thursday, November 30, 2023 18:00-19:00, Luntmakargatan 68, 11351 Stockholm, Sweden

Giovanna D'Angelo & Leo

We are honored to host Giovanna D'Angelo, who is this year's RYLA participant from RCSI! She will share the experience she had at RYLA in September. RYLA has been for her an opportunity to really get out of her comfort zone and improvise wearing a different hat every couple of hours, all of this while exchanging and collaborating with people from different countries and career paths. 

Giovanna works as a senior data scientist at Spotify in their cybersecurity division where she has been for the last almost 3 years. As a background she is a chemist with a PhD in theoretical chemistry and computational modelling. 

We will also get a presentation from our exchange student Leo who could not present back in October. This actually gives an opportunity to hear on the topic of RYLA her experiences of RYLA while in the US. She was an exchange in Oklahoma, the midwest region of the US.

PS: We are recruiting for next year's RYLA and participants can apply https://intrylazone1718.org/