The art of pickpocketing

Thursday, April 4, 2024 18:00-19:00, Hotel Hellsten, Luntmakargatan 68, 11351 Stockholm, Sweden

  Robert Ace

Dear RCSI members,

Beware of pickpockets!

Entertainer and pickpocket expert Robert Ace has been travelling across the world with a different kind of show. Starting out as a magician he has since studied and mastered the techniques of pickpockets to entertain people on stage. He also lectures for security personnel on how to spot pickpockets on the streets or in the store, and is well known for appearing on Swedish news shows to teach people to stay safe.

In this lecture he will give you an insight on how pickpockets operate, and also how you can stay safe. Expect unusual trivia, practical tips and perhaps a magic trick or two.

Hope to see you there!